I was stirring around in the early morning and heard a commercial for a nationally franchised cleaning company. They made a light-hearted reference to “free-ranging-house-chickens” to illustrate their wide range of experience. I must admit, that would certainly indicate a pretty wide range of experience!
Does anyone think “chickens” are a good thing? Yes.
Does anyone think “free-ranging chickens” are a good thing? Yes.
Does anyone think individuals might benefit from raising their own chickens? Yes.
However, the concept of the “free-ranging-house-chicken” doesn’t make the cut does it? NO!
On a social networking site I read what looked like a rant (it may have been real or just humor). It was from a man that is from the same neighborhood as my youth. He said something like: “I’m tired of being told I’m going to hell because of the church I attend. If you really knew me, you would have so many more legitimate reasons to think that.”
I don’t know what prompted the post, nor do I intend to look into it. I was, however, immediately aware that we often reach conclusions based upon the weakest criterion.
Didn’t God determine Abraham’s “righteousness” based on something internal? Didn’t Jesus say something about men teaching their own traditions and therefor worshipping themselves instead of God? Scripture seems to indicate God looks a little deeper than the surface. Shouldn’t I?
Don’t misunderstand... we can’t make it up as we go as a God-servant. But it is terribly easy to reach conclusions by connecting dots that may not need to be connected, don’t you think?
Free-ranging-house-chickens? I’m just saying...
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