I noticed a couple of days ago that two of my "friends" on FaceBook "liked" a couple of the same pages. What got my attention was the way it appeared on my "News" page. It said: John and Brenda like WalMart and Jesus.
I understand that FaceBook uses a template and just plugs names into it. I'm not confused about FaceBook or the way they communicate. It did remind me that sometimes you and I can send the same kind of message about our loyalties. Not a message that is just a computer template that can appear disjointed, but a real-life message of loyalty that just doesn't match.
The "co-ordinating conjunction" (and) is supposed to join "equals" in the sentence. Is WalMart really an equal to Jesus in John's and Brenda's life? I know John and Brenda and can attest with all confidence that they are NOT even close to being equals in the life of John or Brenda.
I'm not concerned about them. What bothers me is that sometimes "things" like WalMart may be equals to Jesus in my life. That would be a problem!
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