Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Be brave, Tell others what's going on.

Tomorrow I get to have a heart procedure. I'm not anxious about it; I do think it is an inconvenience, but a good inconvenience. I mean, really... it would be much more inconvenient to have a heart attack. I do seem to be more aware of any little "almost" pain or discomfort in my chest. I guess I am a little more sensitive than usual.

Back to the point... I posted this information on a social networking site and had an overflowing of well wishes and prayer offerings. At some point it became emotionally moving and touching. We cheat ourselves when we keep things to ourselves. It is true that we take risks by sharing, but we receive so much from those who care.

I expected reactions from family and friends where I live, but I have received responses from people I knew in high school (a long time ago). In our society "transparency" is often seen as a weakness. The reality is that it is a strength that allows so much more strength to flow into us.

Be brave. Tell others what's going on with you.

Sunday, August 29, 2010

What a privilege

There is an old church song that includes: "What a privilege to carry everything to God in prayer. Oh, what peace we often forfeit. Oh, what needless pain we bear. All because we do not carry everything to God in prayer."

A friend emailed yesterday asking that I take a specific time each day to pray for her daughter. The details of the daughter are important, but not to this thought. Asking for prayer, and actually "doing" it are what's important.

Perhaps prayer is too often thought about and talked about instead of done. It is a privilege. It is an honor. It is a necessity for believers.

Saturday, August 28, 2010

Don't Let your "good" be spoken of as "evil"

This morning we had a food distribution for anyone showing up to claim it. Volunteers came from churches, civic organizations, and even from the jail. Volunteers came from our county and from neighboring counties. They all came to help unload, set up, sort, and prepare boxes of food to give to those coming to receive it.

In the hustle and bustle of volunteers, some who had never done this before and others who "know the drill", we had the occasional conflict of people trying to occupy the same location at the same time.

In the midst of the melee Satan took advantage of the frustration of good people and feelings were hurt. The one who said "you are in the way," and the one who was told and responded by leaving in a "snit" both lent themselves to Satan's bidding.

I suspect that neither intended to do anything other than serve, but both went away remembering the sadness of conflict instead of the joy of service.

It is so easy to become distracted , isn't it?

Thursday, August 26, 2010

Once Again

I've taken time away from daily (or almost daily) postings. I'm even using this website instead of the one I had used earlier for devotional thoughts.

If you would like to join me again (or for the first time) welcome.