Friday, October 29, 2010

How Disappointing

I learned to day that one of the people I have recently met and spent time with may be involved in some felony-type serious trouble... even dangerous-to-other-people type trouble. This is not the first one, and will not be the last. It is still disappointing.

As I sort through my emotions and frustration, I am reminded that God continued to reach for me even "while we were yet sinners" by sending his son to die for me/us. "But I'm not like these other people" I protest to myself.

My intellect kicks in for his side of the debate and I am again reminded that "yes" I am just like these other people. The difference is that I'm thinking of "them" harming other people's physical existence. My impact was that Jesus had to leave heaven and come "down here" to die. I don't feel better. I don't feel superior. I don't want to think about it, but I can't stop here.

Jesus continued to "reach" out to me. I guess I should do no less...

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

John and Brenda like WalMart and Jesus

I noticed a couple of days ago that two of my "friends" on FaceBook "liked" a couple of the same pages. What got my attention was the way it appeared on my "News" page. It said: John and Brenda like WalMart and Jesus.

I understand that FaceBook uses a template and just plugs names into it. I'm not confused about FaceBook or the way they communicate. It did remind me that sometimes you and I can send the same kind of message about our loyalties. Not a message that is just a computer template that can appear disjointed, but a real-life message of loyalty that just doesn't match.

The "co-ordinating conjunction" (and) is supposed to join "equals" in the sentence. Is WalMart really an equal to Jesus in John's and Brenda's life? I know John and Brenda and can attest with all confidence that they are NOT even close to being equals in the life of John or Brenda.

I'm not concerned about them. What bothers me is that sometimes "things" like WalMart may be equals to Jesus in my life. That would be a problem!

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Can We Make It Up As We Go?

I took a picture of my styrofoam coffee cup I used at the Holiday Inn Express a few days ago. Nothing against HI Express or their "Smart Roast" coffee. I thought the stay and the coffee were both good.

What caught my eye was the advertising tactic; rather well done I might add. As you can see, it assumes the person having the remarkable sense to both stay at HI Express and drink their coffee is a "dangerously" intelligent person.

Without going into any comparisons of coffees or motel/hotels, I am confident that any standard intelligence tests would never consider either.

While this may be OK (and even funny) in advertising, it is deadly in other areas. I'm thinking specifically about measuring my relationship with God using this kind of reasoning. I need to stay away from feeling secure based upon things I can measure.

After all, God's ways are higher than mine. Even David figured out that God wasn't focusing on burnt offerings and sacrifices. It was the "broken and contrite heart" and the "Abraham believed God" stuff that God measures.

We can't make up our own lists. Some people already tried it and it doesn't work. Paul mentioned that. Check our Romans 10:1-4.

Why do we whine and complain?

Recently I've been "eaves-dropping" on random conversations in restaurants, retail stores, coffee shops and church gatherings. It seems that they often revolve around complaining about people, decisions, life, etc. I even recently over-heard strong complaints by a person who agreed with a decision when it was discussed in a group!

Why are we like this? I'm sure that I do it too (I hope not often). When I hear waitresses do it, I don't want to go back to that restaurant. When I hear employees do it, I don't want to go back to that store.

When someone hears it at "church" I suspect they may not want to return to that church. They may not want to go to any church if they aren't already seriously anchored in the concept of fellowship.

It seems to me that whining and complaining may be fueled by an absence of trust in God. It certainly is fueled by thinking of "myself" as the "important" one. If you hear me whining about life, please point it out.

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

What would I do?

This morning, or perhaps it was yesterday morning, the news reported that a local man, while beating a dog was challenged by a woman from a nearby business. He then (according to the woman) pulled a pistol and fired into the air, escaping.

I begin by stating clearly that I support gun ownership. That said, I suspect that the man mentioned in the story probably doesn't have a Tennessee Carry Permit. Now... on to the real issue.

Would I respond to assist another being badly and inhumanly treated (even an animal) if I suspected I might also be placed in danger? I like to think I would, but until that moment came...

I'm not certain about the answer in the case of an animal, but it seems that Jesus made it pretty clear that we are to respond to the needs of others even if we are also placed in jeopardy. That answer is the easy one.

The tough one is: Would I do it? I guess that is where others would see if my trust in God was a "saving faith" or if it is just something I talk about.

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Has it been that long?

Judy mentioned Sunday that she missed my blogs. I had not realized how long it had been. I think my last entry was over a month ago.

My health and energy have improved at such a rate that I begin my days around 5-5:30 AM and begin to run down and sit down around 6 PM. I have begun to get back into a routine similar to the one I had before surgery, with a few changes.

The striking thing about Judy's comment is that I really had no idea it had been that long! In all of my excitement and busy-ness I had become AWOL in service. I wonder what else has just slipped my mind?

Has anything "slipped" yours?